Monday, June 1, 2009

Don't pay attention to every word people say.

21 Do not pay attention to every word people say,
or you may hear your servant cursing you-

22 for you know in your heart
that many times you yourself have cursed others.

(Ecclesiastes 7:22-22)

I think this is really good advice. I haven't read this in the bible before. I have always been the type to be hurt easily by what people say. This verse is so helpful to realize that people may vent, and sometimes even gossip, but you can't really judge what's in their heart. Its unwise to make decisions or dwell on their words because mostly likely they don't mean it anyway. Or if they do, they will work it out with themselves. Most likely their words were spoken in anger without thinking. I think a consistently mean-spirited person doesn't qualify here. The verse does say "do not pay attention to EVERY word..." . So if I make someone mad and they respond by saying something hurtful...I should let it go, as long as he or she doesn't make it a habit. This is helpful right now as I am separated and going through a really rough time in my marriage (which is hanging on by a prayer). I don't know what the future holds. I continue to pray and stand firm for God to do what he does best ....perform a miracle. He is the God of reconciliation, restoration, healing, life, and peace. I know that He is able to do more than what we ask or imagine. But I can't hang on every word that comes out of my husband's mouth, or what I hear that his family is saying. People make mistakes, get mad and say things they don't mean.... just like I do. The difference is that I know that I don't mean it. But since I can't read the other person's mind I may think they have worse intentions than they really do. And in the end, its really between the other person and God. As long as my conscience is clear and I am doing what's right in God's eyes and trusting Him for my needs then I can have the proverbial "thick skin" without a hard heart. And that's GOOD NEWS!!!!

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